
Terms And Condetions

Last Updated: November 1, 2023
Welcome to the "Hasilh Platform."
Hasilh Platform provides services for displaying product prices, offers, and available coupons on global and local websites. The site also allows stores to subscribe to our services, presenting their offers, discounts, and unique coupons through our website. We provide our services according to the following terms and conditions:

First: Definitions
In this agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings referred to.
"Hasilh," "the Site," "We," "Us," "Our": Refers to the Hasilh Platform website, located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
"The User," "You": Refers to the person visiting the site, using it, or registering a membership on the site.
"Service Provider" refers to the local and global sites whose product prices, offers, and coupons are displayed on our site.
"The Store" refers to any person or entity offering deals and discount coupons to customers through the site.
"Advertiser" refers to any person or entity advertising their products through the site.
"The Customer" refers to anyone who visits the links to the offers, prices, and coupons we provide through the site, who is referred to the service provider's global or local sites, and to anyone who deals with the registered stores on our site for the purpose of purchasing advertised products.
"Products" refer to any type of products displayed on the site, offered by service providers and/or stores, and which the customer can order directly from the service provider or store.
"Content" refers to the site's content, including but not limited to images, texts, videos, information, data, prices, product lists, price lists, product descriptions, coupons, tables, advertisements, all icons, symbols, letters, numbers.
"Agreement" refers to the terms and conditions, privacy policy, all main and sub-pages of the site, service descriptions, all information and content of services, all instructions and special agreements that take place between the site on one hand and any of the site's users on the other, as well as contracts related to the terms and conditions.

Second: Our Services
1. The site offers a wide range of product price offers, coupons, and various product deals from service providers, with prices and deals provided from the global and local service provider pages to the customer.
2. The site allows stores to request subscription to the platform services and then allocate a page for each store to present product price offers, deals, and coupons.
3. Our services are provided free of charge to the customer, who can shop for products available on the site and then access the service provider's site or get the store's details through our site.
4. The site does not provide any selling or purchasing services directly; it provides product details from service providers and allows stores to display their products, and the customer can purchase directly from the service provider or store.

Third: The Legal Scope of Our Services
1. The "Hasilh Platform" does not own any of the products and coupons presented through the advertisements and is related to (the advertiser, service provider, store) or their authorized representative. The (advertiser, service provider, store) is legally responsible for them. The site is not a client as it does not request any products or coupons for itself, but rather the customer makes the request.
2. The "Hasilh Platform" operates as an intermediary electronic platform, and our role does not extend beyond that. We do not have any supervisory or regulatory authority over the advertiser, nor are we representatives or agents for the customers, and none of the legal provisions related to labor law, agency, guarantee, or other legal provisions related to legal responsibility for the actions of subordinates or others apply to us. You expressly agree to our role and nature of work and engage with the platform with this understanding.
3. The "Hasilh Platform" is not an internet service provider, hosting contractor, information content provider, nor is it treated as a publisher of any content published on the site or through any feature available for communication on the site (except for any content specific to us, such as news and reviews), including messages, chat, etc.
4. All content available through the site is intended for informational and advertising purposes only, to provide our services, and should not be relied upon in any other way. We do not offer any warranties regarding it.
5. You acknowledge and agree to release the "Hasilh Platform" from any responsibility that arises from the actions of others, whether a user, advertiser, customer, or otherwise.

Fourth: Legal Nature of the Agreement
1. This agreement constitutes the complete and final agreement between the "Hasilh Platform" and anyone who visits the site, uses it, or uses any of its features or characteristics.
2. This agreement is a valid contract, complete with legal conditions and requirements, enforceable against all mentioned parties. Its provisions and obligations are binding for all, and no one can withdraw from or terminate it as long as it produces its legal effects.
3. All parties acknowledge that this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between them, and they have agreed that they have not relied on any assurances, whether oral or written, in agreeing to this agreement other than the provisions stated in it.
4. The description of services and the subsidiary pages of the site prepared by the "Hasilh Platform" are an integral part of this agreement.
5. Amendments to this agreement have the same ruling and legal effect as this agreement.

Fifth: Consent and Legal Capacity
You acknowledge that you have the legal capacity necessary to enter into and agree to this agreement, and that you have the full, unrestricted legal authority according to the following conditions:
1. A "Hasilh Platform" user must be 18 years or older. If you are under 18, you can use the "Hasilh Platform" services only under the supervision of a parent or guardian. Without prejudice to any other rights of the "Hasilh Platform" under this agreement or law, the site reserves the right to restrict your access to the site or cancel your membership if it believes you have not reached the age of 18.
2. A "Hasilh Platform" user must possess the legal capacity necessary to enter into contracts, and we are not responsible for verifying the eligibility of any of the site's users.
3. If you are registering as a business entity, you acknowledge that you have the authority to bind this entity to this user agreement, and that you and the business entity you represent will comply with all applicable laws related to internet trading.
4. By using the "Hasilh Platform" services, you agree to this agreement and acknowledge that you are legally bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this document or its amendments.

Sixth: Digital Signature
(1) In services that require registration: By registering for an account on the site, or by clicking to accept the terms of service when prompted on the site, you are deemed to have electronically executed this agreement and other terms of service, and they are legally effective against you from the date of your account registration or from the date of clicking to accept the terms of service.
(2) In services that do not require registration: Your use of these services constitutes your explicit agreement to the terms and conditions set forth in this document and all other policies, and you are legally bound by them from the date of this use.

Seventh: Customer Terms and Conditions
(1) Membership Registration
1. The "Hasilh Platform" provides customers with free membership.
2. The customer must register on the site with their real name, avoiding the use of aliases or false or misleading names. Once you register as a customer, you represent only yourself, as the account is based on personal consideration.
3. The customer must provide us with membership registration data, which may include (name, email, city), among others.
4. The customer is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, such as the customer's name and password. They are responsible for any disclosure to others of this information and for any use made by anyone to whom they disclose this confidential information.
5. The customer is obligated to inform the site immediately in case of account hacking or theft or discovery of any illegal use of their account on the site so that we can take the necessary technical measures to maintain the account.
6. You may not use someone else's account at any time without obtaining explicit permission from the "Hasilh Platform."
7. We reserve the right to cancel unconfirmed or inactive accounts for an extended period.
8. It is prohibited to register more than one membership on the site for a single customer. If we discover this, we will cancel all such accounts.
9. The site reserves the right to suspend or cancel any membership that violates any clause or paragraph of the site's terms and conditions, privacy policy, or any instructions issued to it from the site management or if the user infringes upon the site management, site employees, other site users, members, visitors, or others while using the site.

(2) Offer Policy
1. The customer acknowledges that all offers, discounts, and prices available through the site are specific to the service providers, and the site does not intervene in setting any prices or providing discounts and offers. The site may occasionally negotiate with service providers to provide exclusive discounts and offers specific to the site, which will be clarified to customers.
2. The customer understands that the products are provided by the service provider, and the site's role is limited to providing content and links.
3. The customer is aware that to benefit from the products, offers, and discounts, they must visit the service provider's site to make a direct purchase, thereby subjecting the customer to other terms and policies, including terms and conditions, privacy policies, and policies on payment, shipping, and returns, which are beyond our control. The customer should read these terms before using the service provider's site or purchasing products through it.

(3) Payment Policy
1. The site does not provide any payment services for the products.
2. The official currency adopted by service providers/stores is used in determining product prices and purchase transactions through the site.
3. The customer must review product prices before placing an order through the service provider/store, including the price per item or the total invoice amount.
4. The customer is fully responsible for the payment process, and therefore we are not responsible for any errors in the payment process.
5. The customer must maintain the confidentiality of their payment data and be careful to avoid using suspicious means or unlicensed software.

(4) Return and Exchange Policy
1. The site does not provide any return or exchange services for products.
2. Returns and exchanges of products are subject to the return and exchange policies of the service provider/store.

(5) Shipping Policy
1. The site does not provide any shipping services for products.
2. Shipping of products is subject to the policies of the service provider/store.

(6) Disclaimer of Data Liability
1. All data available through the site, including (product type, description, characteristics, features, prices, discounts, etc.), is provided by service providers and stores, and the site bears no responsibility for any deliberate or unintentional errors in this data.
2. The customer should verify the data available on the site independently and can directly contact the service provider or store to inquire about the available data.
3. You understand that the content published on this site is for informational purposes only, and product data published through the site are specific to the seller (service provider/store) and are not provided by us. Opinions and comments published on the site are those of individuals who publish the content and may not reflect our opinion.
4. The site may provide its own data and content about products, such as reports on the best products, best price reports, product descriptions, features, disadvantages, and other content. This content reflects only our viewpoint, may contain some unintended errors, and you thereby release us from any legal responsibility arising from this.

(7) Disclaimer of Product Liability
1. Products are provided by the service provider or store, and the site does not intervene in providing products, either directly or indirectly, and bears no legal responsibility if the products are damaged, spoiled, illegal, or do not match the advertised description.
2. The site bears no legal responsibility for any damages caused by the products to the customer or others, and the customer has no right to claim against the site for any claims or compensation.
3. The site does not guarantee that the products will meet all of the customer's expectations upon use, and thus the customer accepts them as is at the time of purchase.
4. If the customer purchases products in quantities for resale, the site does not guarantee the customer's ability to market these products, their popularity, or profits from reselling them.

(8) Disclaimer of Price Liability
1. Prices, offers, and discounts are provided automatically and are sourced from the service providers' sites or provided by the stores through the site. These prices are not updated instantly but are updated periodically according to the site's policy.
2. The site offers no guarantees regarding the service provider or store's commitment to providing the advertised prices, offers, or discounts.
3. The customer acknowledges and agrees that offers, discounts, and prices may be linked to a specific duration or quantity and, therefore, may be removed at any time.

(9) Disclaimer of Payment Liability
The site does not receive any payments, and the customer makes payments directly to the service provider or store. Therefore:
1. The site bears no responsibility in case of errors in the payment process.
2. The site provides no guarantees regarding the customer's receipt of services or products in exchange for payments.
3. The site offers no guarantees regarding the refund of paid amounts.

(10) Disclaimer of Advertisement Liability
1. The site serves as an electronic platform where advertisers can publish their advertisements, and our role is limited to providing the platform technically. The platform does not intervene in the content of advertisements or the provision of advertised services or products.
2.The "Hasilh Platform" is not an information content provider and is not treated as a publisher of any content published on the site or through any feature available for communication on the site (except for our content, such as news and reviews).
3. The site bears no responsibility for publishing content, and we are not responsible for users violating the rights of others, which is the sole responsibility of the user.
4. The site bears no responsibility for the misuse of content, which is the responsibility of the user who misuses the content.
5. You acknowledge and agree to release the "Hasilh Platform" from any responsibility arising from the actions of advertisers, customers, users, or others.
6. In all cases, the advertiser alone bears all consequences, compensations, and legal responsibilities in case the advertisement violates the rights of others, violates applicable laws, or breaches the terms of this agreement.
7. The customer does not have the right to demand any rights or compensation from the site or to claim against us in any way in case of any dispute or conflict between them and the service provider/store (advertiser), nor does the advertiser have the right to claim against us for any reason.

Eighth: Terms and Conditions for Stores
(1) Membership Registration
1. Membership on the site is not free for stores, and the store must comply with the site's policy on fees and subscriptions.
2. Stores must register on the site using their commercial name, avoiding the use of unknown, false, or misleading names. By registering, you acknowledge that you are the legal representative of the store.
3. Stores must provide us with registration data, which may include (name, mobile number).
4. Stores commit to maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, such as the store's name and password. They are responsible for any disclosure of this information to others and for any use made by anyone to whom they disclose this confidential information.
5. Stores commit to immediately inform the site in case of account hacking or theft or discovery of any illegal use of their account on the site, so we can take the necessary technical measures to maintain the account.
6. You may not use someone else's account at any time without obtaining explicit permission from the "Hasilh Platform."
7. We reserve the right to cancel unconfirmed or inactive accounts for an extended period.
8. It is prohibited to register more than one membership on the site for a single store. If we discover this, we will cancel all such accounts.
9. The site reserves the right to suspend or cancel any membership that violates any clause or paragraph of the site's terms and conditions, privacy policy, or any instructions issued to it from the site management or if the user infringes upon the site management, site employees, other site users, members, visitors, or others while using the site.

(2) Store Policy
1. The store guarantees that it conducts business according to applicable laws and regulations and has obtained all necessary permits and licenses for e-commerce and entering into an agreement with the customer. The store commits to maintaining all documents evidencing this.
2. The store guarantees that it owns all legal rights and permissions to sell the products and has obtained all necessary permits to sell the product. The store commits that the products displayed are consistent with the product definitions referred to in Section One.
3. The store guarantees not to publish any false or misleading information about its products and to ensure the products' offers are commercially legitimate.
4. The store guarantees that all information, images, and files related to the products it provides are correct, accurate, legal, and represent the store's products.
5. The store guarantees there are no restrictions on the customer to obtain or legally dispose of the products to others.
6. The store guarantees that no third-party rights are attached to the products offered for sale on the site and that they will be delivered to the customer free of any financial burdens and not encumbered with any personal or real rights.
7. The store commits to delivering the products to the customer at the agreed delivery date, according to the specifications advertised on the store's website, and that delivery will be done professionally according to the terms of this agreement.
8. The store commits to making every effort to obtain guarantees from the product manufacturers, if available, and waives such guarantees to the customer to the extent permitted.
9. The store guarantees the products are free from apparent and hidden defects.
10. The store commits to maintaining the confidentiality of the customer's contact information and not exploiting it in a way that violates the site's privacy policy.

(3) Product Policy
1. Products must be legal, legitimate, and authorized for sale according to applicable laws, and the store must obtain licenses for their sale as per relevant regulations.
2. Products must clearly display all their characteristics, usage and validity, product name, country of production, and risks of use.
3. Products must be in good condition, usable, undamaged, and free from breaks, apparent defects, or hidden flaws.
4. Products offered on the site must comply with legal requirements set by consumer protection laws.
5. It is prohibited to offer counterfeit, stolen products, products the store is not legally authorized to sell, or products with financial rights to others.
6. Offering intoxicants, narcotics, gambling-promoting materials, weapons, ammunition, or products whose possession constitutes a legal crime, as well as drugs or narcotic pills, is prohibited.
7. Offering products that violate intellectual property rights, commercial rights, privacy rights of others is prohibited.
8. The store alone is responsible for the legality of the products it offers for sale on the site and bears all legal responsibilities in case these products violate the terms of this policy or applicable laws.
9. The store alone is responsible for any damages arising from the use of the products, with no liability on the site.
10. The store alone is responsible if the products are unfit for use or unable to perform the advertised functions.
11. The site allows stores to make discounts on their products after obtaining approval from the Ministry of Commerce.

(4) Advertising Policy
The site allows stores to publish advertisements electronically through the "Hasilh Platform," and the advertising process is subject to the following conditions:
1.Advertisements must be legal, compliant with this agreement and applicable laws, include all essential data of the product or service advertised, and be legally permissible to sell, rent, trade, or possess.
2. The advertisement must not violate any rights of others, including intellectual property rights, privacy rights, commercial rights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights.
3. The store acknowledges that it has full rights to publish content on the site and that this content does not violate any rights of others.
4. Advertisements are displayed according to the dimensions specified by the site.
5. The store grants us the right to display and exchange content published on the site.
6. We have the right to place the name "Hasilh" on the content you provide on the site.
7. The site reserves the right to delete content published by the advertiser on the site at any time if we believe this content violates intellectual property rights, trademarks, privacy rights, commercial rights, or other proprietary rights of others.
8. The store bears all legal responsibilities in case it violates any personal property rights or intellectual property rights on any of the content it publishes on the site.

(5) Sales Policy
1. For consumer protection, stores must clarify all sales terms to the customer through the offers and advertisements provided via the store, including product specifications, payment methods, delivery, and the return or exchange of products.
2. Stores must comply with all applicable laws and execute sales legally while fulfilling all the conditions previously stated to the customer.
3. Stores release the site from all responsibility for errors committed, whether intentional or unintentional, and also release the site from all responsibilities related to payments, delivery, and receipt.
4. Stores bear all responsibilities, compensations, and fines regarding the products provided to the customer, whether for the illegality of the products, their unsuitability, defects, shortage, non-compliance, or failure of the store to implement any terms or applicable laws.

(6) Subscription Policy
Site services are provided to stores in exchange for linking the links we publish to affiliate marketing and/or a subscription fee paid to the site according to the packages or subscription value determined by the site management. By entering into this agreement, you agree to the following:
1. The subscription value may vary from time to time, and the site has the right to make any changes at any time without requiring your consent.
2. Subscription fees are paid via PayPal or any other electronic payment method, and the site is not responsible for any error in the transaction or any hacking of the payment method used.
3. By paying the subscription fee, you commit to all the terms and conditions of this agreement.

(7) Cancellation Policy
Stores can cancel the service before benefiting from the services or displaying ads through the site, bearing all payment and refund fees. However, if the services have begun, ads displayed, or any benefit or exploitation of the site by the store, then the store cannot cancel the subscription.

Ninth: Electronic Contract
In the event of an agreement between the store or service provider and the customer to purchase any of the services or products advertised through the site, a bilateral contract is established between the store/service provider and the customer. The site is not a party to this contract. The parties agree on all their specific terms and guarantees, and our role is limited to making content available through the site only. Consequently, the site does not provide any guarantees regarding the fulfillment of any of the contract parties' obligations.

Tenth: Profit from Purchases
1. The site may earn profits from clicks made on the service providers' links or from purchases made, sometimes acting as an affiliate intermediary. The site earns its profits in the form of commission and/or fees and/or other compensations for clicks or purchases.
2. Profiting from purchases does not imply that we are sellers of the products or partners in them. They are owned by service providers and stores, offered according to their policies, under their responsibility, and with the guarantees provided by them.

Eleventh: Third Parties
1. The site's services contain links and content available on other internet sites operated by third parties. You acknowledge that the site is not responsible for providing any links or the content available through them. Links may be removed or content may be deleted or changed according to the external sites' discretion.
2. Your use of third-party sites is subject to their terms and conditions and privacy policies. The site provides no guarantees regarding the legality of these terms and policies or the commitment of these sites and third parties to implement them legally.
3. Displaying third-party links or content does not constitute endorsement by the site of these links or content. We do not guarantee the legality of the content or the site's commitment to fulfill the obligations therein, nor do we guarantee these sites or links are free from viruses or harmful software.
4. If you have concerns or inquiries about third-party links, content, or their terms and policies, you should contact the responsible parties for these sites directly.

Twelfth: Terms and Conditions of Reviews
1. Customer reviews must be honest and not contain any abuse to any party or person.
2. Reviews must not target names, people, institutions, companies, symbols, or insult or offend them in any way, nor use religious slogans or phrases that demean cultures or peoples or violate the prevailing order.
3. "Hasilh Platform" bears no responsibility for the honesty of reviews or their legality, nor does it take responsibility for unlawful reviews, which are solely the responsibility of their owners.
4. "Hasilh Platform" reserves the right to review and delete any unlawful reviews, and to suspend or cancel the membership of the offender. Not deleting unlawful reviews does not imply our participation or agreement with the publication. Our right to review reviews does not imply a legal obligation on us, and you should inform us in case of unlawful reviews for appropriate action.
5. The site reserves the right to refuse to publish any reviews at any time if they violate the above provisions.
6. We reserve the right to take legal action and seek appropriate compensation if reviews cause damage to our site, with the injured party and the community retaining their right to criminal penalties.

Thirteenth: Copyrights
1. All content included or available within the "Hasilh Platform" services such as texts, logos, images, graphics, audio recordings, button icons, digital content, downloadable materials, software, data compilations, is the property of "Hasilh Platform" and protected by international copyright laws.
2. The compilation of all data listed in the "Hasilh Platform" service or made available by any of our services is the exclusive and private property of "Hasilh Platform" and protected under international copyright laws and international agreements, such as the Berne Convention and TRIPS Agreement.
3. The site and the ideas expressed within it are pure intellectual property rights of ours. Any imitation or adaptation of the site or some of its services (including ideas, texts, symbols, software) is a violation of our copyright rights, and we will take all legal actions against perpetrators of these violations.

Fourteenth: Trademarks
1. "Hasilh" and associated logos are trademarks and/or service marks owned by us.
2. Images, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names are trademarks and trade dress of the "Hasilh Platform."
3. Reproducing "Hasilh Platform" trademarks or trade dress in any media or advertising without our written permission is prohibited.

Fifteenth: Content Policy
1. Users acknowledge they have full rights to publish content on the site and that this content does not violate any third-party rights.
2. Users bear all legal responsibilities if they violate any personal property or intellectual property rights with any content they publish on the site.
3. The site is not responsible for publishing content; we are not liable for users violating third-party rights, which is solely the user's responsibility.
4. The site is not responsible for misuse of content, which is the responsibility of the user misusing the site's content.
5. The site reserves the right to delete content published by users if it violates intellectual property rights, trademarks, privacy rights, commercial rights, or other proprietary rights.
6. You agree not to send discriminatory messages or those containing slander, profanity, obscene images, or generally "bad taste."
7. The site is not liable for any damage to users arising from advice, information provided by users, opinions exchanged, or received from other users. Legal responsibility in such cases lies with the content owner, with no legal liability or solidarity on the site.

Sixteenth: Acceptable Use Policy
We provide the site within the framework of the services referred to in Section Two of this agreement and other services advertised on the site pages, and your use of the site is subject to our accepted use policy, including the following items:
1. The platform's services are available within Saudi Arabia, and we are not obligated to provide any requests in other countries, although you can access the platform from anywhere in the world.
2. Users must use or request our services legally through the site, following all available instructions for use or service requests. Non-compliance may lead to blocking your access to the site.
3. Some of our services are free, while others are paid. Thus, you must pay for the paid services you request from the site according to our fee and payment policies.
4. Users are responsible for keeping their account information and password confidential, not disclosing them to others, and are fully responsible for any activity through their site account. Users must not authorize others to use their account.
5. You commit to providing the necessary information and documents requested by the site at any time, whether during subscription and account registration or while receiving services after account registration.
6. Users acknowledge that by agreeing to this agreement, they will not rely on or depend on any other representations, warranties, or assurances by or on behalf of "Hasilh Platform" except as provided in this agreement.
7. By complying with the terms of use or any service terms and paying any applicable fees, the site grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to access and make non-commercial use of "Hasilh Platform" services.
8. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of our services or their content, nor any copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant, or any use of data mining or similar data gathering and extraction tools.
9. You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit the site or any portion of it for any commercial or non-commercial use without our express written consent.
10. You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing "Hasilh" name or trademarks without our express written consent.
11. All information you disclose must be true, up-to-date, accurate, reflect your identity, and comply with our registration form requirements.
12. Users are responsible for accurately entering information required on the site and regularly reviewing and correcting, modifying, or updating it as new information becomes available, retaining all supporting data and documents.
13. If you provide incorrect, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete information, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect such, we may suspend or cancel your membership without prejudice to any other rights under this agreement or law.
14. You are not authorized to publish any links to other sites or applications through the site or any of its features.
15. You agree not to use "Hasilh Platform" or any service provided through it in an illegal, fraudulent, or community-harmful manner as we deem.
16. You are prohibited from using the site or any published content for purposes that contradict our objectives, breach applicable laws, or violate this agreement's terms.
17. You are responsible for using the site seriously and credibly.
18. You may only use our services legally and according to this agreement's terms.
19. You must not misuse our services in any way.
20. Users are obligated to notify us if they discover any unlawful use of the site.
21. You acknowledge that you will notify us if you encounter any publications, materials, or transactions that appear to violate this use agreement.
22. Using "Hasilh Platform" may involve services or content from other parties not under our control, and you acknowledge that other terms, conditions, and privacy policies may apply to your use of these third-party services and content.
23. We reserve the right to place the name "Hasilh" on the content you provide on the site.
24. All rights not expressly granted to you in these terms of use or any other service terms are reserved by "Hasilh Platform."
25. The licenses granted by us terminate if you do not comply with these terms of use or any other service terms.

Seventeenth: Communications and Notifications
1. You agree to receive communications from us. We will communicate with you via mobile number, by posting notices on the site, or through other "Hasilh Platform" services.
2. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement as if such communications were in writing and produce their legal effects accordingly.
3. If you decide at any time that you do not wish to receive promotional messages, you can disable receiving these messages by contacting us. However, in this case, we cannot guarantee full enjoyment of our services.
4. Any notices you wish to send to "Hasilh Platform" must be sent through the means specified on the site. Notices sent outside the site are not considered valid.
5. Any notices "Hasilh Platform" wishes to send to you will be either announced on the site or sent to you via the mobile number you provided during registration. You are deemed to have knowledge of the notice as soon as it is announced on the site or 60 minutes after sending the message to you.

Eighteenth: Legal Liability
1. You must comply with all laws and regulations in force within Saudi Arabia regarding your use of the site. You bear all responsibilities arising from your breach of these laws or regulations and comply with all terms and conditions of this agreement.
2. If a user violates any terms or conditions of this agreement, "Hasilh Platform" has the right to take administrative action within the site, including temporarily suspending membership or permanently banning the offending user. In such cases, the user may not register on the site again without explicit consent from "Hasilh Platform."
3. Penalties imposed by "Hasilh Platform" on parties of this agreement do not affect each party's right to take appropriate legal actions as they see fit without referring to us and without any liability on the site.
4. If you violate this agreement, "Hasilh Platform" reserves the right to recover any amounts due from you, any losses or damages caused, and the right to take legal action or approach competent courts for civil or criminal lawsuits against you.
5. "Hasilh Platform" does not guarantee taking actions against all violations of this use agreement. Not taking legal actions in cases of violation does not constitute a waiver of our right to take such actions at any time we deem appropriate.

Nineteenth: Service Provision
1. You expressly agree that you use "Hasilh Platform" at your own risk.
2. We provide our services "as is" without any warranties or guarantees of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding the use of this site, its content, or the services provided on it.
3. The site does not guarantee that technical defects will be corrected, or that the site or its servers are free of viruses or other harmful or destructive elements. You acknowledge that internet sites are always prone to data corruption, unavailability, or delayed appearance, and you accept this.
4. The site may be unavailable from time to time due to repair, maintenance, or development work. You agree that the site is not obligated to provide technical support at any time.
5. You acknowledge that "Hasilh Platform" is an online service, and despite our efforts to maintain and secure information, we cannot guarantee that the information received or transmitted by the user while using the site is secure at all times.

Twentieth: Limitation of Liability
1. "Hasilh Platform" does not provide any warranty and is not responsible for the freshness, prevalence, accuracy, or quality of the information received or accessed by the user through the site.
2. The responsibility for using the information received or accessed by the user through "Hasilh Platform" services or relying on it lies entirely with the user.
3. "Hasilh Platform" does not guarantee that this site, its servers, or messages sent are free of viruses or other harmful components.
4. "Hasilh Platform" cannot confirm that every user of the site is actually the person they claim to be.
5. The site is not responsible under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, consequential losses, or loss of profits and reputation or any damage whatsoever, resulting from the disclosure of your username and/or password.
6. "Hasilh Platform" is not legally responsible for losses or damages of any kind that may arise from using this site, including but not limited to direct and indirect damages.

Twenty-One: Indemnifications
1. You agree to indemnify "Hasilh Platform," clear its responsibility, and defend it against all claims and demands that others may raise or demand due to your use of the site, or your violation of these terms and conditions, or your infringement of other users' rights.
2. The site excludes from its guarantees, terms, and conditions any financial losses, reputation damage, or any special damages arising from your misuse of the site's products. The site bears no responsibility or claims in such cases.
3. You are obligated to compensate for any losses or damages that may affect the site due to any unlawful or unauthorized use by us.

Twenty-Two: Amendments
1. We reserve the right to modify our terms and conditions at any time. We will publish a general notice on the site about new amendments and update the "Last Updated Date" at the top of this document.
2. You may not change, modify, or replace any terms of this agreement without written consent from "Hasilh Platform."
3. You agree to adhere to all additional terms and conditions made available to you related to the use of any services available through the site. These additional terms and conditions are integrated into this agreement.
4. We may at any time make any amendments or improvements we deem necessary to the site to increase its effectiveness. Users must adhere to any guidelines or instructions provided by the site in this regard.

Twenty-Three: Termination of the Agreement
1. We reserve the right to cancel all or some of the services we provide at any time, and we may cancel the terms and conditions, or replace them with other terms and conditions.
2. This agreement is automatically terminated if you infringe on our financial rights, cause legal problems for us, other parties of this agreement, or others, violate any term or clause of these terms and conditions, fail to authenticate your information, or if the site's activity stops. In all previous cases, we reserve the right to take legal action against you under this agreement if the termination is due to your violation of its terms.

Twenty-Four: Governing Law and Jurisdiction
1. Saudi regulations govern the interpretation and enforcement of any term or clause of these terms and conditions.
2. Saudi judiciary has jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from the interpretation or enforcement of any clause of these terms and conditions.
3. If any provision of these terms and conditions becomes non-applicable, illegal, or unenforceable, the legality and enforceability of the other provisions will not be affected in any way by that provision.

Twenty-Five: Language
1. The Arabic text of this agreement is the accredited text for purposes of interpreting and applying its terms and conditions.
2. In case of a conflict between the Arabic text and the translated text of this agreement, what is stated in the Arabic language shall apply.