

1 What services does the Hasilh platform offer?

Hasilh platform offers the latest deals, coupons, and discounts on a wide range of products and services. The service is free for users.

2 Is registration required to use the services?

Registration is required for rating and following stores, receiving the latest deals and coupons, and saving favorites.

3 How can I find deals and coupons?

You can search on the site by category or use the advanced search to find deals and coupons.

4 Are the coupons and deals always up to date?

Yes, we constantly update coupons and deals to ensure we offer the best bargains to our users.

5 How can I use the coupons?

Coupons can be used at checkout in specified stores by entering the coupon code.

6 How can I follow my favorite stores?

After registering, you can follow your favorite stores to receive alerts for new deals.

7 What is the privacy policy of the Hasilh platform?

The privacy policy explains how user data is collected and used. It can be viewed in the policies section.

8 Can I report a problem or an invalid offer?

Yes, you can report any issues or invalid offers by contacting us.

9 How can I get technical support?

For technical support, please contact us via email or the contact form on the site.